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Sunday, February 21, 2010

RankManiac 2010: Giving out awards

Today, I helped a fellow student with the Math Competition he'd organized. I got to give out the prizes! At the end of the tournament, he'd read the names and I would give them their stuff, shake their hands, and smile for the cameras.

One parent thought I was a professor. When one of the volunteers corrected her and said that I was a CS major, she said "Oh. Well, he looks gay." I guess that was a comment on my attire? I had dressed up for the occasion. Apparently she'd been complaining all day, so it may have been an insult. It's hard to tell.

Also, I must look old. I've been mistaken for professors many times, even when just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Either that, or I look really spacey.

1 comment:

  1. New plan for prefrosh weekend: We pretend Dano is a prof.
